road _ expresswayRoad — Expressway
Fire calls on certain highways re vehicle fire: reimbursement procedure for town and certain cities and villages modified -  Act 205
Marquette interchange and Southeast Wisconsin freeway rehabilitation funding modifications; JCF duties [Sec. 683d, 1672g-i, 1694f, 9153 (3r)] [683d, 1694f — partial veto; 1672g-i, 9153 (3r) — veteod]  -  Act 33
Southeast Wisconsin rehabilitation projects (other than Marquette interchange): funds allocation required; JCF duties [Sec. 1672c] [vetoed] -  SB-44
road _ financeRoad — Finance
General transportation aids program: maximum amount of aid modified; costs for funding under local roads improvement program [Sec. 1719-1723m] -  Act 33
Highway maintenance, repair, and traffic operations: funding made continuing appropriation [Sec. 428m]  -  Act 33
Major highway and rehabilitation projects bonding; DOT request re debt service [Sec. 435m, 683g, h, 1670m, 1671, 1699q, 9153 (2p)] [1699q — partial veto; 435m, 683g, h, 1670m, 1671, 9153 (2p) — vetoed]  -  Act 33
Marquette interchange and Southeast Wisconsin freeway rehabilitation funding modifications; JCF duties [Sec. 683d, 1672g-i, 1694f, 9153 (3r)] [683d, 1694f — partial veto; 1672g-i, 9153 (3r) — veteod]  -  Act 33
School aid appropriation funded from the transportation fund; transportation aid funding on one-time basis only for 2003-05 biennium, [Sec. 8, 8m, 173, 173m, 179, 179m, 353, 353m, 852, 852m, 2007, 2007m, 2033-2039m, 9441 (1f)] [8 — partial veto; 8m, 173m, 179m, 353m, 852m, 2007m, 2033m, 2034m, 2036m, 2037m, 2038m, 2039m, 9441 (1f) — vetoed]  -  Act 33
Shared revenue and aid payments to counties and municipalities: payment from transportation fund; small municipalities state aid provision; municipal aid account created [Sec. 659-666, 853, 854, 1653d-f, 1656-1659, 1659m, 1662b-1666b, 1668-1669g, 9445 (1), (1m), (2f)] [661m, 663, 665, 1656, 1658, 1658d, 1662d, 1663b, 1666b, 1669d-f, 9445 (1) — partial veto; 662d-e, 1653d-f, 1662b, 1664b, 1669g, 9445 (1m) — vetoed] -  Act 33
Southeast Wisconsin rehabilitation projects (other than Marquette interchange): funds allocation required; JCF duties [Sec. 1672c] [vetoed] -  SB-44
State highway programs: 2005-07 funding request [Sec. 9153 (1r)] [partial veto] -  Act 33
State highway rehabilitation and major highway development supplement; report requirement [Sec. 9153 (2x)] [vetoed] -  SB-44
Surplus land sale by DOT: moneys deposited in transportation fund [Sec. 9153 (1z)] [vetoed] -  SB-44
Transportation fund: moneys transferred from petroleum inspection fund [Sec. 670r, 848j] -  Act 33
Transportation fund: sales and use tax receipts related to motor vehicles transferred to [Sec. 670g, 1650m] [vetoed]  -  SB-44
Transportation fund transfer to general fund [Sec. 9253 (1)] [partial veto] -  Act 33
Transportation fund: lapses to [Sec. 9253 (1x)] [vetoed] -  SB-44
Transportation revenue bonding level modified [Sec. 1699] -  Act 33
road _ markingRoad — Marking
STH 13 bridge over Flambeau River in town of Fifield in Price County designated ``Freedoms Bridge" to honor Korean War veterans; contributions provision -  Act 68
STH 27 designated and marked ``Citizen Soldier Heritage Highway"; contributions required -  Act 218
STH 54 designated and marked ``Wisconsin Fire Fighters and Emergency Medical Technicians Highway" and portion of certain bridge on STH 29 as ``Wisconsin Fire Fighters-EMT/Citizen Soldier Bridge"; contributions required  -  Act 218
Traffic control signals in town of Beloit, Rock county: installation date set [Sec. 9153 (1j)] [vetoed]  -  SB-44
Traffic marking enhancement grant program created [Sec. 420f, p, 424, 427m, 1701m, 9153 (4q)] -  Act 33
USH 2 designated and marked ``Major Richard I. Bong Memorial Highway"; contributions required  -  Act 218
USH 14 portion designated and marked ``Ronald Reagan Highway" [vetoed] -  SB-40
USH 151 designated and marked ``Wisconsin Law Enforcement Officers Highway" and portion of certain bridge on STH 29 as ``Wisconsin Law Enforcement/Citizen Soldier Bridge"; contributions required -  Act 218
road _ railroad crossingRoad — Railroad crossing, see Railroad — Crossing
rock countyRock county
Traffic control signals in town of Beloit, Rock county: installation date set [Sec. 9153 (1j)] [vetoed]  -  SB-44
rsvp _retired senior volunteer program_RSVP (Retired senior volunteer program), see Senior citizen
rusk countyRusk county
Rural health dental clinics in cities of Ladysmith and Menomonie: funding revision [Sec. 2061] -  Act 33
s - S -
safetySafety, see Snowmobile
st. croix countySt. Croix county
Nursing home MA supplemental payment reduced; use of federal medicare program hospital wage index for homes in certain counties [Sec. 1346d, 1363, 1364, 9424 (7)]  -  Act 33
Deer or elk head, antlers, skin, or tail: possession, sale, barter, purchase, or trade of from lawfully killed animal revised -  Act 247
Tickets to entertainment or sporting event: restricting a local ordinance or resolution or U.W. Board of Regents rule regulating resale of -  Act 191
Upland game birds: regulations for buying, selling, bartering, and trading of nonedible parts established; definition and licensing provisions [vetoed] -  SB-63
sales taxSales tax
Electricity and fuel consumed in manufacturing tangible personal property: income or franchise tax credit and sales and use tax provisions revised; manufacturing investment credit created -  Act 99
Income and franchise tax credit for sales and use tax paid on fuel and electricity consumed in manufacturing tangible property modified re carry forward; allowing refunds for claiming certain development zones and technology zones tax credits [partial veto] -  Act 267
Sales tax on short-term lodging [Sec. 1647m, 9345 (3x)] -  Act 33
Transportation fund: sales and use tax receipts related to motor vehicles transferred to [Sec. 670g, 1650m] [vetoed]  -  SB-44
Vendors doing business with the state required to register with DOR and to remit sales and use taxes; procurement from noncomplying vendors prohibited [Sec. 40, 178, 187, 189, 192-195, 199, 211, 214, 220, 221, 222, 752, 1651, 2059]  -  Act 33
sales tax _ exemptionSales tax — Exemption
Game birds and clay pigeons sold to game farms and clubs: sales and use tax exemption created -  Act 128
same_sex marriageSame-sex marriage, see Marriage
sandhill craneSandhill crane, see Bird
sanitation and sewerage managementSanitation and sewerage management, see also Solid waste management
Clean Water Fund Program financial hardship assistance for the Elcho Sanitary District revised -  Act 316
Private Sewage System Replacement or Rehabilitation Grant Program revised re maximum amount allowed and holding tanks -  Act 169
Utility security system plans: definitions and withholding public access [vetoed] -  SB-8
savings and loan associationsSavings and loan associations, see also Financial institution
Savings bank and S&L alternative examination provisions revised -  Act 263
Savings banks and S&L regulation by DFI: Division of savings banks deleted, duties transferred to Division of banking; Savings bank review and Loan review boards eliminated, Savings institution review board created [for section numbers, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"]  -  Act 33
State-chartered bank, savings bank, S&L, or credit union deceptive or misleading use of name, logo, or symbol or similar name, logo, or symbol prohibited -  Act 262
savings and loan, division ofSavings and loan, Division of
Savings banks and S&L regulation by DFI: Division of savings banks deleted, duties transferred to Division of banking; Savings bank review and Loan review boards eliminated, Savings institution review board created [for section numbers, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"]  -  Act 33
savings bankSavings bank, see Bank
schneider, donald jSchneider, Donald J.
Public service commended upon his retirement as Senate Chief Clerk [SJR-58] -  JR-26
schneider, seanSchneider, Sean
Life and military service commended [AJR-81] -  JR-47
scholarships and loansScholarships and loans, see also Veteran — Education
College tuition and expenses program administrative expenses: GPR funding eliminated [Sec. 72, 650-652b]  -  Act 33
College tuition and expenses program and college savings program: income tax deduction created for contributions made by a great-grandparent, aunt, or uncle of the beneficiary  -  Act 289
DVA program re payment of stipends for persons to attend school, receive credentials, and work at veterans facilities [Sec. 564, 1090, 9158 (1)] -  Act 33
Lawton and Wisconsin higher education grant program revisions; auxiliary enterprises funding for grant programs [Sec. 318x, 329d, 385, 386d, 388m-390d, 933, 933g, 939, 939g, 984d-990g, 9157 (1x), 9425 (2x), 9457 (2x)] [329d, 389d, 390d, 9157 (1x) — partial veto; 386d, 933g, 939g, 990g, 9425 (2x), 9457 (2x) — vetoed] -  Act 33
National guard tuition reimbursement grants and eligible institutions [Sec. 741-744, 9337 (1x)] -  Act 33
``Taps" sounded at military honors funeral by student: tuition voucher provided -  Act 42
Wisconsin health education loan repayment transfer [Sec. 9225 (1f)] -  Act 33
Charter school and school choice payments revised; attendance and transportation revisions [Sec. 2020g, k, 2021, 2023, 2042k, 9341 (2)] [2020g, k, 2042k — vetoed]  -  Act 33
Charter school established by U.W. Parkside: maximum enrollment revised [vetoed] -  AB-503
Charter school established by U.W. Parkside: provisions modified [Sec. 2020m, 2021f] [vetoed] -  SB-44
Charter school in Milwaukee school district: pupil residing outside the district may attend; state transportation aid provision; admissions preference to pupils residing in the school district [vetoed] -  AB-261
Charter schools: U.W. 4-year institutions allowed to establish with Board of Regents approval; number limited and plan required [vetoed] -  SB-253
County tax levy for library services: exemption for city, town, village, or school district modified; county board approval required [vetoed] -  AB-431
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: educational agency exempt [vetoed] -  AB-41